I wasn't sure where to put this so will try a new thread. Help me out if I need to do something different. Maybe a main thread in Gaming News, Govs?
I just found a solitaire game from Orchid Games that they are giving away free. It seems to be a Klondike Solitaire game with very nice graphics and music. There are also stories, but you have to win a game first which I haven't done yet.
The website is
Last edited by mcurty (8/21/2013 7:59 pm)
Artifex Mundi had just released a new game for purchase on their site.
Left in the Dark: No One on Board
It looks like a good game and is on sale for $4.99.
It's only for PC, so I am not buying right now because I'm trying to buy only Mac games. I may change my mind though because it really looks good.
Last edited by mcurty (8/21/2013 7:59 pm)
What I need is a good list of devs so I can go check out their sites.
Govols2 wrote:
What I need is a good list of devs so I can go check out their sites.
Doesn't anyone have the lists from BIg Flush that I have seen...they were quite long? Would be to their benefit if we did a lot of purchasing direct from them?
I'll work on developers list of sites that sell their own games.
It's very good for a developer if we buy direct...they don't have to share 30% or more of the profits with Bigfish Games.
Artifex Mundi was over at the new Pond which is why I checked their site.
I believe big fish owns playfirst and spintop. Or they merged with them or something like that. There are probably others they have their hands in as well.
This is the beginning of the list....I'll add as I progress through my lists.
I'm updating with only developers, portals that sell their own games. Developers from Barregar's list that are not listed here sell their games on their site with links back to Bigfish. Some do not have websites that I can find or only sell through game portals.
Alawar - sells games from several developers
Ana Wiki Games - sells using Digital River, Match 3, solitaire
Artiflex Mundi - sells own games using eseller
Awem (++) - sells it's games and has coins you earn to purchase more games
Fenomen - sells own games using mycommerce, also portal for other games linking to Bigfish - game portal that sells apps for iPad, iPhone, Android, Mac, Win8
Gogii games - sells own games
Grey Alien Games - mostly Match 3 using BMT Micro
Meridan 93 - links to Robin Games which uses Digital River for purchases
Mumbo Jumbo - sells it's own games and game portal for others, gamesaver membership $6.95
Orchid Games - sells it's own games, Spirit Walkers, Royal Trouble, Solitaire
Playrix (++) - sells games from several developers, Royal Envoy, Fishdom, Farmscapes, etc. (100% self funded according to About page)
Puzzle Lab - sells own games using Plimus
Reflexive Entertainment - links to Amazon
Realore Studios - sells own games and game portal for others
Rumbic Studio - sells own games using mycommerce
Sugargames - sells own games using mycommerce, Matchmaker, Rainbow Web, etc.
Humble Bundle (++) -- not a game developer, but sells games often by independent game developers
That's all for right now. Maybe others can add more.
This is an evolving thread as I have time to check and update it.
++sites that I have purchased from and recommend
---sites that I do not recommend
If no notation, I do not have personal experience with this site.
I'm copying this to new game sites because that is really where it should be located.
Last edited by mcurty (8/23/2013 4:03 pm)
Oh, I like Awem games because if it is one that they developed, and when we buy from them and post our achievements, we earn coins to buy more of their games. Right now I have 277 coins, enough for a new game or two. So happy.
I also like Playrix but have never bought direct from them.
Last edited by barregar (8/21/2013 10:21 pm)
Hi Govs, I think Lia (I think that was Liasmani) has a full inventory of them, including all the new games being worked on. She is at pondfriends.
Oh and surely Barre can add a few to the list too?
I confess I had the list somewhere and lost it!
Last edited by Mh (8/22/2013 1:03 pm)