Newto you are Hired to know that I knew I had seen that annimated Tardis somewhere
And you are also Hired to go Punch peeps at BBC America on the nose - and
demand the last 50 years worth of episodes for free.
Peppie - You are hired to protect me when I go to punch BBC America peeps on the nose, and call an ambulance if they beat me up.
Newto you are Hired to know that I am a big coward but, I will call
an amulance for you when I have run to safety.
Peppie -- You're hired to know I've just not had the time to contact anyone at BBC America.
Newto - You are Hired to know I forgive you this time
Peppie -- You're hired to help me resurrect this thread, if you are so inclined.
Newto you are Hired to help me keep this thread going as long as we can
Peppie - You're hired to know this thread will only keep going if we post in it. LOL.
Newto: You are Hired to help me make some pretty hanging baskets
Peppie You are Hired to go hang the baskets yourself