Peppie -- You are hired to re-read my post #807.
Newto you are Hired to know this is the Hotel Grand Sirenis Spa on the Riviera
Mayo Cancun all inclusive.
[img] ,h_720,c_fill,q_80/ugc/images/1577aad9-6b7e-3fea-9433-ccdd1de5bc3f[/img]
Peppie - You are hired to instantly transport both of us there.
Newto - You are Hired to hop in this and we will be there in a jiffy!
Peppie- You are hired to ask the pilot of that contraption to stop on my front lawn and pick me up on the way as I am no longer capable of hopping on to anything. .
Newto = You are Hired to know that is Doctor Who's Time traveling Police
box Im sure he will help us both to embark and whisk us off somewhere
Peppie - You are hired to bring along some information about Doctor Who, about who I know nothing.
Therefore our vacation will contain some educational value.
Newto you are Hired to know that Dr who is a very long running BBC series - been
going about 50 something years now - It is about a Time Travelling Time Lord who
travels outer space in his Time Machine - Looks like a police box small on the outside
but very big when inside it is called the TARDIS and I cannot remember what those
initials stand for - unless I look them up.
The reason it has been around so long is because the DR can regenerate - thus many actors
have played the part - he meets all sorts of outer space aliens the most famous being the
daleks the music for this show is really good and has the TARDIS flying through space -
I just thought a quick trip on it would be rather nice well depending on where we landed!
Below is a selection of most of them, my fave was David Tennant he is Scottish but that
is not his fault
Bet you wished you never asked now
Peppie - You are hired because I'm grateful for the time you took to explain this to me. By the way, the picture in the above post is KRSPDS' signature over on CI. You're also hired to know that, sadly, BBC America is a "pay" channel on my cable plan so I cannot watch its excellent programs.