The Evil Black Unicorn of death and destruction stood before the
white unicorns and demanded they give back the lightning or he will ...........................
[img] 'sBlackUnicorn.png[/img]
Cast an eternal fog over the forest.
Just then the magic forest fairy....
Remerbered the Fairy Queen of Light yes she can lead us from the eternal fog stuff and screaming
banchees thunderstorms and what not Now I wonder where she hangs out ?
Oh I am sure she can be found at ....................
Great Just one problem the Evil Troll lurks beneath the
Lighted Bridge T o get to the Fairy Queen of Light we
are going to have to ...................
The very brave Lion of Golan Land Chased the Troll so all the others
could pass safely Now is the time to call for the ......................
The magical lightning dust released the Sun Goddess from her underground
prison Free from the horrible hobbits she granted The Fairy Queen 2 wishess
so the Fairy Queen .....................................
First wished for eternal protection from all evil over the Kingdom