Really tired today and you have not given me a pay rise perhaps
will join Lion and look for another job no hard feelings eh
Saw a UFO last night & am still freaked out...may be in maybe not
Tracked the UFO to your house, boss --- (hmm no wonder you have been acting so strange lately ) ---trying to find my protective gear before I come in to work...
Ugly creature standing outside your house, boss. I'm not coming in until you make it go away
Very worried about being abducted again so soon after last time
Lion Candy and I are off for a few days in the sun good luck with the alien Boss !!
Unable to get in the office door because the Alien is blocking the entrance (or is that you, boss?)
Very disappointed in you boss..if you want us to something useful
Why dont you call the UFO experts Boss that flipping great spaceship
in the parking lot is putting us all off back when its gone
Xeroxed my note explaining why I am late and gave it to that 'guy' blocking the parking lot---you can get it from him.
Yours truly is being beamed up again ho hum may see you later
Boss you need to call in pest control !!