Pep - You're fired so you join me in all the activities I had planned for us.
Candi you Fired so we can let the fun begin x
Pep you are fired for wanting to party all the time (actually nothing wrong with that...just kidding)
Lion -- You are fired so we can go shopping for party supplies.
Newto you are fired to want to take ME shopping....I hate it
Lion - You're fired so you can shop online for party supplies
Candi you are Fired so you can come over and help me blow up balloons
and other stuff to get ready for the party
Pep - You're fired so you can help me haul this helium tank to fill up the balloons.
Candilina -- You're fired so you can go back to the party store and get a "dolly" for the helium tank. Will make life a lot easier. LOL.
Newto you are Fired so you can some on over and help with the
garden and deck lighting see got them together