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10/23/2014 12:53 pm  #211

Re: ABCs of reasons you are late for work

Vision is fuzzy today...may be in later...maybe not


10/27/2014 6:45 am  #212

Re: ABCs of reasons you are late for work

Water heater is leaking all over the floor.  Called the plumber; will be in when the situation is corrected.

Men tend to fall into two categories - those who are dying every time they sneeze and those who are in total denial - not sure which is worse!     

     Thread Starter

10/27/2014 7:15 am  #213

Re: ABCs of reasons you are late for work

My car ran out of gas and I had to walk all the way home and now I'm just too tired to come in!  Might be there tomorrow if I can get someone to take me to get gas for the car!

Normality is a paved road.  It's comfortable to walk on but no flowers grow on it!


10/27/2014 9:42 am  #214

Re: ABCs of reasons you are late for work

X-iting my house, I heard the phone ring.  It was Fire, and she needed someone to take her to the gas station.  How could I refuse this request from a friend?  I'll be in after we remedy the situation.

Men tend to fall into two categories - those who are dying every time they sneeze and those who are in total denial - not sure which is worse!     

     Thread Starter

10/27/2014 12:28 pm  #215

Re: ABCs of reasons you are late for work

The station was out of gas and Newto didn't have enough gas in her car to go to another store!  My car is still by the road!  

Normality is a paved road.  It's comfortable to walk on but no flowers grow on it!


10/27/2014 12:30 pm  #216

Re: ABCs of reasons you are late for work

Yet another crisis!!  Now I have to borrow a friend's car so both my car and Fire's can get filled up with gasoline.  I think about 3 more hours and I'll be able to get to work.

Men tend to fall into two categories - those who are dying every time they sneeze and those who are in total denial - not sure which is worse!     

     Thread Starter

10/27/2014 1:02 pm  #217

Re: ABCs of reasons you are late for work

After all of that riding and switching cars and filling up cars with gas, I'm totally worn out.  Will try to be in tomorrow!  Besides, I now have to write out thank you notes! 

Normality is a paved road.  It's comfortable to walk on but no flowers grow on it!


10/28/2014 6:59 am  #218

Re: ABCs of reasons you are late for work

Breathless from running on the treadmill; I need to rest a couple of hours.  Be in later.

Men tend to fall into two categories - those who are dying every time they sneeze and those who are in total denial - not sure which is worse!     

     Thread Starter

10/29/2014 11:36 am  #219

Re: ABCs of reasons you are late for work

Had a doctors appointment and was sent to the ER.  Don't know when I'll be in.


10/29/2014 1:51 pm  #220

Re: ABCs of reasons you are late for work

I ran over a seagull & am cleaning up car...not sure if I'll be in?


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