King Kong seems to be at Candis house brought a plane ticket to go see
it and catch up on a bit of chat with Candi and Newto sorry next week maybe.
Lugging all the gorilla food wore me and my lovely helpers Newto and Pep out. We are now resting before Lunch. Oh and did I mention, Pep is here for a week? I must take time for a proper visit --- not only will I be late, I won't be in until next week!
My dear friend Peppie has come to visit Candilina. Must go to visit Peppie...just need to figure out how to get to Candilina's, as my car broke down. This may take a while; I'll be there when I get there, dear Boss.
Never let a gorilla eat out of your hand...Nurse says the bandages will be off soon....
Overburdened with domestic chores this morning; things just pile up and I can't find my way to the front door. I'll be in as soon as I clean up the clutter.
Having fun in Candi land with newto dont think I want to come back ever spose
will have to when money runs out watch this space dear boss x
"P" is next --
Pinched my hand in the car door while closing it. Had to call those gorgeous EMTs (you remember them from PF). I'll be in after they fix up my hand, unless I have to go to the ER, in which case I'll just take off the rest of the day.
Quite sorrey about my lack of attendance But I need to go help my friend Newto
as she has hurt her hand will do some cooking and cleaning for her So no time
for you again !! maybe later when she is better
Responded to Newto's request for aid and lost track of time while watching that gorgeous EMT. Will be in soon, maybe....
Slipper got lost under the bed. I got on my hands and knees to get it and I can't get up. Had my cell phone with me so I called 911. Waiting for those gorgeous EMTs to come back. I'll be in to work later.