Pumping water out of garage after water heater blew...see ya when I see ya!
Quite upset with the wet weather and have just had my hair done
will stay at home till it stops raining you will understand x
Refrigerator on the fritz. Ordered a new one and have to wait until it is delivered. In the meantime, I'm busy eating the food so it doesn't spoil. I will waddle in later.
Sad to know Lion has lost one of her cats, I have joined her in the search. C'mon, boss, that's what friends are for. I will be in when the search is over.
Talking to niece & that could take all day!!! See ya later or tomorrow!
"Under the weather" from eating all that food out of the refrigerator so it wouldn't spoil. Just cannot seem to get going, boss. I'll be in when this horrible feeling is gone, whenever that might be.
Very upset that you wont give me a pay rise taking day off to look
for another job if unlucky may come back tommorow
Wasted too much time soaking in the bubble bath and then got into watching and movie and lost track of time!
X-tra company showed to party lasst I am still cleaning.....later boss!
An alien spaceship landed in my garden they wanted to study my mind !!
took them just 5 mins feeling tired ater all that so went back to bed later xx
Oh no sorrey just forgot abc please accept this and carry on with Y shall do better xxx