This was a fairly popular topic in "the other place." Be as silly as you like. Just remember it is an alpha thread.
Attempting to get ready to come to the office this morning, I tore three pairs of pantyhose and have no more. Need to go to the store and buy some new ones. Will be in after Walmart opens, boss.
Last edited by newto (9/14/2013 7:13 pm)
Bear tried to eat me, so I hid in my dryer and got stuck.
Caught the right bus to work,but met the most delightful gentleman who was sitting across the aisle from me. We struck up a conversation and I missed the stop for to the office. Rode to the end of the line with him. Going to marry him tomorrow so I'll be in in two weeks, boss.
Caught a Big Fish and had to kill it!
Last edited by Butterflyshrimp (8/24/2013 7:21 am)
Drowning Big Fish Founder and lost track of time
Elevator stuck between floors. Mechanic said he'll get there when he can. See you later, boss.
Forgot to wake up.
Got chocked by an apple a day which was meant to keep the doctor away....
Happened on the FB page of the site which shall not be named. Got sick to my stomach and I still don't feel good. I'll be in after lunch.
Island I live on sank !!!!